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Intelligent grounding box, cable fault monitoring has a miraculous effect

Author: Click:378 Time:2023-08-15

High-voltage cables in the operation process to face many problems, high temperature, external breakage, equipment aging, etc. will cause line failure

High-voltage cables in the operation process to face many problems, high temperature, external breakage, equipment aging, etc. will cause line failure, and in serious cases will also cause a chain reaction of destruction, so the need to monitor the cable, and strive to find potential faults at an early stage of the point of risk elimination, to reduce the likelihood of failure, the intelligent grounding box can achieve this goal

Different from the traditional grounding box, DX-DLS100-JDX intelligent grounding box of DX-DLS Intelligent Technology is powerful, there are intelligent direct grounding box and intelligent cross-grounding box, which can simultaneously monitor the cable sheath grounding current, partial discharge, and joint temperature, the following is a specific introduction to its functional features:

1、Sheath ring current monitoring function

Through the intelligent grounding box 0 ~ 500A single-mode current transformer and ground loop current acquisition module, real-time monitoring to the cable metal sheath grounding current and voltage parameters, in order to determine the condition of the metal sheath, the aging degree of the cable and cable load changes.

2、Cable partial discharge monitoring function

Through the high-frequency current sensor installed on the grounding line of the cable joint, the pulse current signal is transmitted to the front-end monitoring collector through the coaxial cable, and then transmitted to the host computer for analysis and processing, real-time monitoring to the joints and sections of the cable partial discharge amplitude, frequency, and discharge point positioning, but also to store the test spectrum, analyze the trend of the discharge, so as to timely detection of insulation defects in cables and joints.

3、Cable joint temperature measurement function

By sealing the temperature sensor fixed on the outer sheath of the grounded cable, the temperature of the cable joint can be monitored in real time, the temperature collection range of -55 ℃ -125 ℃, when the temperature exceeds the set value will be issued to alert the management personnel to prevent the risk of overheating of the line.

As far as the appearance structure is concerned, the box of the intelligent grounding box not only provides an effective insulating space for the monitoring equipment, but also plays a good role in external insulation, and can avoid the wiring arrangement is wrong, from the system safety level, the multiple monitoring function can quickly and accurately diagnose cable faults, and improve the maintenance efficiency.

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The online monitoring, distributed fault location and cable online monitoring equipment for power transmission and distribution lines launched by SHENZHEN DINSEE SMART TECHNOLOGY CO.,LTD. has been widely used in Southern Power Grid and State Grid, and has achieved good results.

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