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Overhead transmission line ice-covered monitoring device, focusing on the power grid ice-covered ice thickness monitoring, early warning, calculation

Author: Click:153 Time:2024-07-19

Overhead transmission lines in winter and early spring are often covered with a layer of ice.

Overhead transmission lines in winter and early spring are often covered with a layer of ice.

This is not unusual, because the water vapor in the air at low temperatures when cold will directly condense into frost, frost and frost connected, the formation of ice. But when the ice cover is getting heavier and heavier, and even lead to transmission line breaks, down tower, collapse, it has become one of the headaches of the power grid people.
    In China, the overhead transmission lines through the high altitude, large file distance, large across the region, prone to ice. According to statistics, China's 110 kV and above overhead transmission lines, 1/3 of the existence of varying degrees of ice-covering problems, and to Yunnan, Guizhou, Hunan, Hubei and other southern regions for serious.
    Ice cover a variety of types, according to the formation of mechanisms and conditions, divided into freezing rain, mixed freezing, soft freezing fog, frost, snow and other five categories; according to the nature of the ice cover, there is freezing rain ice cover, mixed freezing ice cover, snow cover, frost ice cover four categories. Different types of ice, the impact of the line is different, freezing rain and mixed freezing density, high strength, will lead to increased wire arc sag, and even more than the tower can withstand the limit. And snow and white frost is due to the density of small, low intensity, mainly affects the aerodynamic characteristics of the conductor.  

However, the main point remains the same, that is - ice cover not only affects the electrical performance of the line, but can also cause mechanical accidents. For example, excessive ice cover leads to conductor breakage, or insulator flashover, tripping, or even tower damage and deformation. In addition, ice cover will also reduce the service life of the line, affecting the stability and reliability of the system.
    What to do? The DX-WPS is a powerful, reliable, and reliable solution that can be applied to a wide range of applications. Shenzhen Dingxin DX-WPS100-FB overhead transmission line ice-covered monitoring device the device (also called anti-icing intelligent The device (also called anti-icing intelligent early warning monitoring device) monitors the implementation of transmission line conductor/ground load changes, the meteorological environment around the tower, the site visualization image video and other data information in real time by means of sensors and transmits the data to the master station system through the communication network of 3G, 4G, 5G and so on. The main station calculates the actual thickness of ice cover according to the ice cover calculation model and sends out warning information to remind operators to take countermeasures in time.

At present, the system has been successfully applied in the transmission lines in many regions of China, including many important transmission corridors, undertaking a large number of inter-provincial and inter-regional power transmission tasks, to ensure the security of power supply and make positive contributions.

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